Before and After School Program

Kids Exchange Before/After Care

The Kids Exchange Program is for students in Grades K through 5 enrolled in Gulf Elementary School. The program is designed to provide a needed service by giving parents the opportunity to bring their children to school prior to the beginning of the regularly scheduled school day. The program offers supervised before school care from 6:30 AM until 8:30 AM.  After school care will begin each day at 3:10 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. You may sign-out your child from the IB Cafeteria each evening. Please pack an afternoon snack for your child. During the after school sessions students will work on homework, play games, have snack, attend the computer lab, and go outside. It is a recreational after school program.

What time does before care start?
The doors to the IB cafeteria open at 6:30 am.

Please bring your child into the IB Cafeteria and sign-in.

How much will before care cost per week? $25.00

How much will after school care cost per week? $50.00

Will I need to pay a registration fee?
Yes, the registration fee is $25.00 for 1 child and $40.00 for 2 or more children.

Can my child only participate in before care?
Yes, for $25.00 per week

How many days do I have to enroll in the program?
Kids Exchange is a flat rate program. 

What is the latest I may pick-up may child?

6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. a charge of $1.00 for every five minutes until 6:10 p.m.



The fee based program emphasizes a culture of collaboration, support, and mutual respect. Positive peer relationships and a cooperative learning environment for students and staff is important to us. Children and parents should be aware of our behavior policy:


FIRST OFFENSE: Verbal Warning 


THIRD OFFENSE: Referral written and parents/guardians will be contacted 

NOTE: Three written referrals will result in a suspension or dismissal from the program for the remainder of the school year.

Kids Exchange is available during the regular school hours.

We do not offer afternoon Kids Exchange on the following early dismissal days: August 30, October 25, December 21, February 28, April 24, May 30, May 31

 It is the responsibility of our parents to pick-up their child at 1:10 each during early dismissal.

Please complete the form below to register your student for before/after care program. 

After completing the Google Form, you will need to pay the registration fee to hold your spot in the program.